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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sequence Diagram Beyond the basics

Beyond the basics

I've covered the basics of the sequence diagram, which should allow you to model most of the interactions that will take place in a common system. The following section will cover more advanced notation elements that can be used in a sequence diagram.

Referencing another sequence diagram

When doing sequence diagrams, developers love to reuse existing sequence diagrams in their diagram's sequences. [Note: It is possible to reuse a sequence diagram of any type (e.g., programming or business). I just find that developers like to functionally break down their diagrams more.] Starting in UML 2, the "Interaction Occurrence" element was introduced. The addition of interaction occurrences is arguably the most important innovation in UML 2 interactions modeling. Interaction occurrences add the ability to compose primitive sequence diagrams into complex sequence diagrams. With these you can combine (reuse) the simpler sequences to produce more complex sequences. This means that you can abstract out a complete, and possibly complex, sequence as a single conceptual unit.

An interaction occurrence element is drawn using a frame. The text "ref" is placed inside the frame's namebox, and the name of the sequence diagram being referenced is placed inside the frame's content area along with any parameters to the sequence diagram. The notation of the referenced sequence diagram's name follows the pattern of:

sequence diagram name[(arguments)] [: return value]

Two examples:

1. Retrieve Borrower Credit Report(ssn) : borrowerCreditReport


2. Process Credit Card(name, number, expirationDate, amount : 100)

In example 1, the syntax calls the sequence diagram called Retrieve Borrower Credit Report and passes it the parameter ssn. The Retreive Borrower Credit Report sequence returns the variable borrowerCreditReport.

In example 2, the syntax calls the sequence diagram called Process Credit Card and passes it the parameters of name, number, expiration date, and amount. However, in example 2 the amount parameter will be a value of 100. And since example 2 does not have a return value labeled, the sequence does not return a value (presumably, the sequence being modeled does not need the return value).

Figure 11: A sequence diagram that references two different sequence diagrams
A sequence diagram that references two different sequence diagrams

Figure 11 shows a sequence diagram that references the sequence diagrams "Balance Lookup" and "Debit Account." The sequence starts at the top left, with the customer sending a message to the teller object. The teller object sends a message to the theirBank object. At that point, the Balance Lookup sequence diagram is called, with the accountNumber passed as a parameter. The Balance Lookup sequence diagram returns the balance variable. Then the option combination fragment's guard condition is checked to verify the balance is greater then the amount variable. In cases where the balance is greater than the amount, the Debit Account sequence diagram is called, passing it the accountNumber and the amount as parameters. After that sequence is complete, the withdrawCash message returns cash to the customer.

It is important to notice in Figure 11 that the lifeline of theirBank is hidden by the interaction occurrence Balance Lookup. Because the interaction occurrence hides the lifeline, that means that the theirBank lifeline is referenced in the "Balance Lookup" sequence diagram. In addition to hiding the lifeline in the interaction occurrence, UML 2 also specifies that the lifeline must have the same theirBank in its own "Balance Lookup" sequence.

There will be times when you model sequence diagrams that an interaction occurrence will overlap lifelines that are not referenced in the interaction occurrence. In such cases the lifeline is shown as a normal lifeline and is not hidden by the overlapping interaction occurrence.

In Figure 11, the sequence references the "Balance Lookup" sequence diagram. The "Balance Lookup" sequence diagram is shown in Figure 12. Because the example sequence has parameters and a return value, its label —located in the diagram's namebox—follows a specific pattern:

Diagram Type Diagram Name [(Parameter Type : Parameter Name)] :

[: Return Value Type]

Two examples:

1. SD Balance Lookup(Integer : accountNumber) : Real


2. SD Available Reports(Financial Analyst : analyst) : Reports

Figure 12 illustrates example 1, in which the Balance Lookup sequence uses parameter accountNumber as a variable in the sequence, and the sequence diagram shows a Real object being returned. In cases such as this, where the sequence returns an object, the object being returned is given the instance name of the sequence diagram.

Figure 12: A sequence diagram that takes the parameter of accountNumber and returns a Real object
A sequence diagram that takes the parameter of accountNumber and returns a Real object

Figure 13 illustrates example 2, in which a sequence takes a parameter and returns an object. However, in Figure 13 the parameter is used in the sequence's interaction.

Figure 13: A sequence diagram that uses its parameter in its interaction and returns a Reports object
A sequence diagram that uses its parameter in its interaction and returns a Reports object

Larger view of Figure 13.


The previous section showed how to reference another sequence diagram by passing information through parameters and return values. However, there is another way to pass information between sequence diagrams. Gates can be an easy way to model the passing of information between a sequence diagram and its context. A gate is merely a message that is illustrated with one end connected to the sequence diagram's frame's edge and the other end connected to a lifeline. A reworking of Figures 11 and 12 using gates can be seen in Figures 14 and 15. The example diagram in Figure 15 has an entry gate called getBalance that takes the parameter of accountNumber. The getBalance message is an entry gate, because it is the arrowed line that is connected to the diagram's frame with the arrowhead connected to a lifeline. The sequence diagram also has an exit gate that returns the balance variable. The exit gate is known, because it's a return message that is connected from a lifeline to the diagram's frame with the arrowhead connected to the frame.

Figure 14: A reworking of Figure 11, using gates this time
A reworking of Figure 11, using gates this time

Figure 15: A reworking of Figure 12, using gates this time
A reworking of Figure 12, using gates this time

Combined fragments (break and parallel)

In the "basics" section presented earlier in this paper, I covered the combined fragments known as "alternative," "option," and "loop." These three combined fragments are the ones most people will use the most. However, there are two other combined fragments that a large share of people will find useful รข€“ break and parallel.


The break combined fragment is almost identical in every way to the option combined fragment, with two exceptions. First, a break's frame has a namebox with the text "break" instead of "option." Second, when a break combined fragment's message is to be executed, the enclosing interaction's remainder messages will not be executed because the sequence breaks out of the enclosing interaction. In this way the break combined fragment is much like the break keyword in a programming language like C++ or Java.

Figure 16: A reworking of the sequence diagram fragment from Figure 8, with the fragment using a break instead of an alternative
Sequence diagram fragment from Figure 8, with the fragment using a break instead of an alternative

Breaks are most commonly used to model exception handling. Figure 16 is a reworking of Figure 8, but this time Figure 16 uses a break combination fragment because it treats the balance < amount condition as an exception instead of as an alternative flow. To read Figure 16, you start at the top left corner of the sequence and read down. When the sequence gets to the return value "balance," it checks to see if the balance is less than the amount. If the balance is not less than the amount, the next message sent is the addDebitTransaction message, and the sequence continues as normal. However, in cases where the balance is less than the amount, then the sequence enters the break combination fragment and its messages are sent. Once all the messages in the break combination have been sent, the sequence exits without sending any of the remaining messages (e.g., addDebitTransaction).

An important thing to note about breaks is that they only cause the exiting of an enclosing interaction's sequence and not necessarily the complete sequence depicted in the diagram. In cases where a break combination is part of an alternative or a loop, then only the alternative or loop is exited.


Today's modern computer systems are advancing in complexity and at times perform concurrent tasks. When the processing time required to complete portions of a complex task is longer than desired, some systems handle parts of the processing in parallel. The parallel combination fragment element needs to be used when creating a sequence diagram that shows parallel processing activities.

The parallel combination fragment is drawn using a frame, and you place the text "par" in the frame's namebox. You then break up the frame's content section into horizontal operands separated by a dashed line. Each operand in the frame represents a thread of execution done in parallel.

Figure 17: A microwave is an example of an object that does two tasks in parallel
A microwave is an example of an object that does two tasks in parallel

While Figure 17 may not illustrate the best computer system example of an object doing activities in parallel, it offers an easy-to-understand example of a sequence with parallel activities. The sequence goes like this: A hungryPerson sends the cookFood message to the oven object. When the oven object receives that message, it sends two messages to itself at the same time (nukeFood and rotateFood). After both of these messages are done, the hungryPerson object is returned yummyFood from the oven object.


The sequence diagram is a good diagram to use to document a system's requirements and to flush out a system's design. The reason the sequence diagram is so useful is because it shows the interaction logic between the objects in the system in the time order that the interactions take place.

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An seasoned developer, architect and with some Team Leading exposure, offering full project life cycle experiences within multi cultural, multi National environments and within differing business streams and all primarily on a .Net platform.